السبت، 9 أبريل 2011

غوقة: لا وجود للقذافي ولابنائه واعوانه مكان في المشهد السياسي الليبي القادم

هناك 3 تعليقات:

  1. Enta yageb an tar7al ya '3oga Lena libya ard tahra la makan laka fiha wa ena alkadafi bagi hon a ela mashaalah

  2. All the revolutionists need to do now is to take Sirt and then stop the West of Libya will free itself however keep 50% of the oil sales locked in an accout for Tripoli and other smaller Western cities after they free themselves from Gaddafi you give them the 50% of the money to Western Region for now take sirt and build defences then stop the West will free itself build good defences at the western gate of Sirt and stop

  3. After taking Sirt advance until you stop at Bowayrat Alhsoon near boqrayn stop there and let the Western Reigion free itself from the Gaddafis within months they will spit him out make sure you save 50% of the oil income for Tripoli and other Western towns west of Boqrayn


الفنان الليبي "محمد نجـــم" فى حوار خاص : أنا المطرب الوحيد الذى لم يغنّ الإ لترابــــ الوطــــــن.

  الفنان "محمد نجـــم" فى حوار خاص مع صحيفة ليبيـا اليـوم حوار وتصوير:خالــد المهيــر الاربعاء 26 اكتوبر 2005       نجم لـ (ليبيا ...