الاثنين، 11 أبريل 2011

لمساعدة اخوتنا الجرحى في تركيا نرجوا ارسال رسائل شكوى للحكومة و الهيأت التركية مرفق العنواين

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
 كما هو معلوم أن الجرحى الليبين في تركيا لايتلقون العلاج والرعاية المناسبة هذا مثبت من خلال اتصالات مباشرة مع الجرحى ومرافقيهم في مدينة أزمير.
نرجوا من الجميع مراسلة السلطات التركية والضغط عليهم والتهديد بفضح معاملتهم للجرحى في وسائل الإعلام  العالمية العربية والإنكليزية
وهذا سهل جدا فقط  أكتب إيميل واحد وأرسله في نفس الوقت لجميع العناوين الإلكترونية التالية.
الرجاء أيضا من يعرف كيف تتم مراسلة القنوات الفضائية مثل الجزيرة العربية والانكليزية العربية وال سي إن إن و البي بي سي العربية والإنكليزية
 أن يراسلهم لعمل زيارات ميدانية وتحقيقات مصورة لكشف المعاملة الغير جيدة  والمراد منها مداهنة الشعب الليبي وليس لمساعدته.
الحكومة التركية:
السفارة التركية في السويد: 
وزارة الخارجية التركية:
وزارة الصحة التركية:
السفارة التركية في طرابلس:
القنصلية التركية في لندن:
السفارة التركية واشنطن:
الرجاء الضغط على الحكومة والمؤسسات التركية  للتخفيف على أخوتنا الجرحى في تركيا وهذا أقل مانفعله من أجل  من قدم  روحه ودمه فداء لنا ولليبيا الحبيبة.
Dear Sir/Madam,

Many of our Libyan citizens are receiving treatment in Turkey who were recently evacuated from Misrata by a Turkish aid ship. On calling them, we have found that they are complaining about the situation in the Turkish hospital where they are being treated in Izmir. They are not receiving the proper and high quality treatment they deserve, and the hospital staff pay little attention to them. Please investigate these direct reports that we have received.

On behalf of Libyan organisations in Sweden and throughout Europe, we may have to bring this to the attention of international human rights organisations as well as media outlets such as Aljazeera, CNN, the BBC, Sky News and others, asking them to go to Turkey and investigate these reports of poor treatment and ill behaved staff for themselves.

I consider this to be a serious issue, so please forward my concerns to all those responsible. We will not cease to follow up on our countrymen and women until they receive the treatment they deserve.

Kind Regards,
عاشت ليبيا حرة وأبية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الليبي المصراتي

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Ya akhi i watched an interview in one of Turkish TV and BBC showing the injured Libyan and they divided into parts , some of them like the treatment and others not ....
    Please appreciate what we got , its better than hospitals in Libya anyways
    I know all of this comes because Turkey government does not support us for our revaluation...
    I would say we should not mix things up and try to be polite and realistic
    Whllahi the Turkish Dr who interviewed in the Tv said , those are our guests and we will do our best to give them the ultimate treatment
    let it go and dont complain too much,,, we need to show to other world that we are civilized people and better than what Ghdafi present us to the other world
    I am sorry if you dont like my opinion but this is what i see we should do at this moment until we get our country back from Ghdafi and his sons

  2. Alsalamu aleikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh - here is a copy of the letter i sent around

    Republic of Turkey, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    To whom it may concern:

    Dear Sir/ Madame,

    i have a relative who is being treated in Turkey. He was recently evacuated from Misrata Harbour by a Turkish ship.

    From our telephone conversations I understood that neither he nor his fellow wounded are receiving the proper medical attention and treatment. These statements have been confirmed by the healthy persons who have accompanied them.
    I ask you why has Turkey offered this "humanitarian aid" in the first place? Was it just to polish up the image of the Turkish Government in the world?
    We Libyans are confident that our Muslim brothers and sisters in Turkey support the cause of the Libyan People, and many of us were moved to tears when we saw the images of the ambulances waiting in the harbour for the ship which was carrying our wounded to dock. However, we must express our mistrust of the actions and intentions of the Turkish government. From the Turkish prime Minister’s statements and actions, we understand that he and his government are in support of ghaddafi, especially when he proposed that feeble peace plan which did not consider the Libyan People’s strive for freedom, peace and a better life. We, the Libyan people cannot comprehend why Mr. Erdoghan accepted and is still in possession of the ghaddafi human rights award. Should Mr. Erdoghan insist on keeping this award, let him be aware that he has further insulted the Libyan People.
    Regarding our wounded in Turkey, I sincerely hope you can look into this matter and help to change the attitude of the personnel in the hospitals or send our wounded to other medical institutions where they can receive the proper medical attention and the dignified treatment that they deserve.

    Rest assured that I will be sending a copy of this letter to news channels and governments around the world.

    Kind regards,

    Maha Elmasri


الفنان الليبي "محمد نجـــم" فى حوار خاص : أنا المطرب الوحيد الذى لم يغنّ الإ لترابــــ الوطــــــن.

  الفنان "محمد نجـــم" فى حوار خاص مع صحيفة ليبيـا اليـوم حوار وتصوير:خالــد المهيــر الاربعاء 26 اكتوبر 2005       نجم لـ (ليبيا ...